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Trench Warfare:

Trench Warfare is a form of land warfare using occupied fighting lines of zig-zag trenches, in which troops are significantly protected from the enemy's weapon fire. They are also sheltered from the enemy artillary fire. The place that used the most trench warfare in WW1, was the Western Front. The Germans had the best looking trenches in World War 1.

Trench Life:

Life in the trenches were miserable because there were dead bodies everywhere you looked, lice are on almost everyone, and rats the size of a large cats would swarm any food you would drop. The food that you would have with you was hard-tac. In WW1, the U.S. had hard-tac left over from 1865! If you could choose to be in a German trench, British trench, or U.S. trench, you would want to be in a German trench because they were the nicest and were built to last a long time. The allies trenches were temporary and the others were permanent.




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