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Summary of WW1:
World War 1 was caused because of Militerism, Alliances, Imperialism, and Nationalism. The spark of WW1 started after Franz Ferdinand was assassinated. Soon, Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia. Russia and Serbia had an alliance and they started deploying their troops to help Serbia. Other countries get involved later on and war was in Europe. America was to stay out of the war but, when the Lusitania was sunk, some Americans died.  President Wilson was outraged. The Germans did put out a notice in the newspapers to warn the passengers on the Lusitania.
America Enters the War:
The British found a letter from Germany to Mexico (The Zimmerman Note) asking for an alliance to help take back their lost land and go to war against America. The British reported it and Wilson took it to congress. America is now at war. The U.S. starts putting out lots of propoganda posters for young men to get drafted into the army.  On the battlefield Americans were called doughboys and America shocked Germany. Instead of setting off waves of our technology and soldiers, we sent in everything at once. Russia gets out of the war because of  their country's government. Germany gets land and they move all of their men to the Western Front. The Americans, French, and British drive the Germans back and they are back in their own territory.
The End of the 1st World War:
 World War 1 ended on the 11th day of November, at the 11th hour in 1918.  Many Germans were shocked that the fighting had stopped. Many of them had believed that they were winning the war. To end it Germany had to agree to the following terms: Germans had to leave all occupied territory, to surrender their arms and warships, and to withdraw all forces from west of the River Rhine. They did all of this in the 72 hours they were given. WW1 was over.
Fun Fact: It was also called the War to End all Wars because nobody believed after the death and destruction caused in World War 1 would cause another war.
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